SME Dance
Lancer Dancer Tryouts Video Submission
All dancers auditioning for the 2024-2025 SME Lancer Dancers will need to submit their Technical Skills video by 10:00 PM on Monday, April 29, 2024 to be considered as a candidate. A judging panel will evaluate these submissions, and those scores will be included in the total for each dancer.
Dancers may use the SME gym from 8:00-9:00 PM on Monday, April 29th to film their videos if needed. Lancer Dancers and coaches will be available to help with both filming and video submission.
Before filming:
Please make sure you are wearing fitted dance clothes and have your hair pulled back.
Set up your camera from the front/audience’s viewpoint. Videos MUST be filmed wide-framed, horizontal, landscape. NO VERTICAL, TALL VIDEOS.
Camera should be as still as possible/not moving during filming.
Make sure your video has good lighting and clearly showcases the dancer. Test this before you film.
The whole body of the dancer should be captured in the frame. Test this before you film.
You may play music in the background of your video if you would like to. Test this before you film.
During filming:
First, introduce yourself with your name and what grade you will be in for the 2024-2025 school year.
Your performance needs to be a single, continuous shot of the first three categories and not edited from multiple takes or angles. You will complete the following skills:
3. You may perform any part of the bonus/optional section if you would like: however, if you are auditioning for Varsity, you MUST at least perform the headspring and kip up. If you are performing skills from the Bonus Skills category, you may tumble on carpet or a mat in a separate video, but please merge this video with your original to create one link to submit. Only one video may be submitted.
After filming:
You have 2 steps you MUST complete by 10:00 PM on Monday, April 29th 2024:
Upload your video and set it as public or unlisted on a video hosting
site such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive.
2. Once you have uploaded your video, submit your video link to this google form: https://forms.gle/VzVfUJmj52hvWDpk8
Skills video demonstration: Kick Head Positions explained:
Tryouts May 2nd:
Below you will find the routine videos you will be required to demonstrate at tryouts, along with the corresponding music track to practice with. Please learn all of the materials below by Monday, April 29th for our first clinic.
Hip Hop
Notes for Hip Hop:
Make sure to get super low and use your plié.
Add as much style and swagger as you can.
Accent the musicality and dynamics. Make sure you are showing the difference between smooth and sharp movements.
Fight Song
Notes for Pom:
Make sure you spirit both before AND after you perform. We will explain more about spiriting during our first clinic.
We will have poms for you to borrow for the tryout.
One tryout partner should learn the silver pom part/counts and one should learn the blue pom part/counts.
During the first clinic, we will teach you a few chants to say while you are performing the fight song.
Notes for Jazz:
You will have 3 sets of 8 at the end of the song to improvise. Begin your improvisation with at least 8 counts of turns in second. Use the rest of the time to showcase your own style and choreography.
If you need to do fewer pirouettes than a quad, please complete your turns and hold until the next part of the choreography. If you'd like to be eligible for Varsity, please attempt a quad.
Accent the musicality and dynamics. Make sure there is a difference between the smoother, more lyrical moments and the sharper ones.